Best Friends Forever (BFF)

There is nothing like best friends, the bond between best friends is important and special.

Best friends help us with dating. They are there for us when we are going through our dating nightmares and dating successes. They are a shoulder to cry and a sounding board when we just need to vent about that horrible date last night. They offer a fresh perspective and provide us with a good laugh to help keep us sane.

Best friends provide unconditional support. Best friends have seen us at our absolute best and at our very worst and they love us unconditionally. It is important that we have someone in our lives that we can feel completely at ease with no matter what and that feeling is mutual.

Best friends are honest with us no matter what. They have our best interest at heart. They are there to prevent you from doing that dumb thing that we will regret later. They know you well and are willing and able to say, “that’s just not a good idea.”

Best friends give our self-esteem a huge boost. We are important to our best friends and they value our opinions. They enjoy our company and make us laugh. They tell us and make us feel well valued. They tell us that we are beautiful on the inside and outside. The make us feel wanted and well loved.

Best friends are loyal. They keep our secrets and don’t talk about us behind our backs. A best friend will be your cheerleader and be on your team no matter what. They will not betray you and will be honest with you at all cost.

Best friends are the best listeners. You can share any and everything with your best friend. They know our greatest fears and they know about our biggest mistakes, but they never judge, and they are always supportive, and they listen. Fear is diffused when you have someone to share it with that will listen and be impartial.

Remember being a best friend is equally as important as having a best friend.

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