I am a woman with a voice that will be heard. My thoughts and words are mine to share on my own terms, and I will speak them when I choose. You do not have the power to dictate what I think, what I say, or how I express myself.
~ Sherry Pulcher ~
That power belongs to me alone.
The Lady’z Lounge
About Sherry
Hi, I’m Sherry. My passion is helping women step into their full potential and find the support they truly deserve. With a background in human resources, executive management, and entrepreneurship, I founded The Lady’z Lounge to be a welcoming space where women can connect, share their journeys, and receive the guidance they need to flourish—both personally and professionally.
My own career path has been filled with challenges and setbacks that, though difficult, have shaped me in profound ways. Each experience—whether a triumph or a lesson—has helped me grow, adapt, and find renewed purpose. Inspired by my studies in Biochemistry at California State University, Fullerton, and Criminalistics at Metropolitan State University of Denver, as well as my personal experiences, I sought to create a platform where women can find not only resources and support but also encouragement and a sense of community. My mission is to empower women to overcome obstacles, build lasting confidence, and unlock their true potential in every area of life.
Bios are nice, but this is me…
Enjoying Some Smooth Jazz
Listening to smooth jazz in my car is my go-to for unwinding during LA’s long drives. Music has always been part of my journey—from playing the clarinet and flute as a kid to now considering the violin. I’m also a calculus junkie, and I find joy in skiing, surfing, and hiking, especially when the weather cools down. One day, I dream of running a wildlife reserve and giving back to nature.
Beyond my love for adventure, I’m an avid volunteer and crime novel enthusiast (Patricia Cornwell is a favorite). But above all, I’m passionate about helping women and teen girls build healthy self-esteem and confidence. Founding The Lady’z Lounge was a way to turn this passion into a purpose. My mission here is simple: to provide women with the information, resources, and support they need to face life’s challenges with strength, find their unique voices, and thrive in every part of their lives.
So, let’s connect, share, and grow together. Let’s Talk!